I have the following Spring Data Neo4j OGM Repository method:
@Query("MATCH (root:Location) " +
"WHERE root.id IN $locationIds " +
"WITH root " +
"OPTIONAL MATCH (root)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(descendant:Location) " +
"OPTIONAL MATCH (ascendant:Location)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(root) " +
"WITH COLLECT(root.id) AS listRoot, COLLECT( DISTINCT ascendant.id) AS listAscendant, COLLECT( DISTINCT descendant.id) AS listDescendant WITH apoc.coll.union(listDescendant, apoc.coll.union(listRoot, listAscendant)) AS dadLocationIds " +
"WITH dadLocationIds " +
"RETURN apoc.coll.intersection(dadLocationIds, $specifiedLocationIds) as output")
Set<Long> locationsHaveAnyDirectOrAscendantOrDescendantRelationshipsWithSpecifiedLocations(Set<Long> locationIds, Set<Long> specifiedLocationIds);
this method fails with the following exception:
org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Failed to convert from type [java.util.ArrayList<?>] to type [@org.springframework.data.neo4j.annotation.Query java.util.Set<java.lang.Long>] for value '[[5]]'; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [java.util.Collections$SingletonList<?>] to type [@org.springframework.data.neo4j.annotation.Query java.lang.Long]
How to properly return Set
of ids for intersection?
MATCH (root:Location)
WHERE root.id IN [61]
WITH root
OPTIONAL MATCH (root)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(descendant:Location)
OPTIONAL MATCH (ascendant:Location)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(root)
WITH COLLECT(root.id) AS listRoot, COLLECT(DISTINCT ascendant.id) AS listAscendant, COLLECT(DISTINCT descendant.id) AS listDescendant
WITH listDescendant + listRoot + listAscendant AS dadLocationIds
WITH dadLocationIds
WITH apoc.coll.intersection(dadLocationIds, [60, 58]) as output
RETURN output
and output from Neo4j browser:
│[60] │
The query works fine when I change it to the following:
"WITH apoc.coll.intersection(dadLocationIds, $specifiedLocationIds) as intersectionIds " +
"MATCH (l:Location) WHERE l.id IN intersectionIds " +
Set<Location> locationsHaveAnyDirectOrAscendantOrDescendantRelationshipsWithSpecifiedLocations(Set<Long> locationIds, Set<Long> specifiedLocationIds);
Your query is returning List<List<Long>>
I think, most probably because of the line:
WITH COLLECT(root.id) AS listRoot, COLLECT( DISTINCT ascendant.id) AS listAscendant, COLLECT( DISTINCT descendant.id) AS listDescendant WITH apoc.coll.union(listDescendant, apoc.coll.union(listRoot, listAscendant)) AS dadLocationIds
This line might be causing multiple lists to get created, for each one the intersection gets performed, and hence the final output becomes List<List<Long>>
. Try running this on Neo4j Browser, to see if this is true or not:
MATCH (root:Location)
WHERE root.id IN $locationIds
WITH root
OPTIONAL MATCH (root)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(descendant:Location)
OPTIONAL MATCH (ascendant:Location)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(root)
WITH COLLECT(root.id) AS listRoot, COLLECT( DISTINCT ascendant.id) AS listAscendant, COLLECT( DISTINCT descendant.id) AS listDescendant
RETURN apoc.coll.union(listDescendant, apoc.coll.union(listRoot, listAscendant)) AS dadLocationIds
If there are multiple lists in the output, for the parameters that you tried with. Then the query needs to be fixed.
I got it. When you specify return type as Set<Long>
, Spring
is expecting neo4j
to return Long
values, which it will place in a set
. However, when you return apoc.coll.intersection
output, it tries to put that List<Long>
into a Set<Long>
, due to which the error comes up. To fix this, you can simply UNWIND
the list from apoc.coll.intersection
and return it. Like this:
MATCH (root:Location)
WHERE root.id IN [61]
WITH root
OPTIONAL MATCH (root)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(descendant:Location)
OPTIONAL MATCH (ascendant:Location)-[:CONTAINS*0..]->(root)
WITH COLLECT(root.id) AS listRoot, COLLECT(DISTINCT ascendant.id) AS listAscendant, COLLECT(DISTINCT descendant.id) AS listDescendant
WITH listDescendant + listRoot + listAscendant AS dadLocationIds
WITH dadLocationIds
WITH apoc.coll.intersection(dadLocationIds, [60, 58]) as output
UNWIND output AS locationId
RETURN locationId