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How to read line by line with universal newline support in c?

int n = NMAXVAL;
char line[MAXLINE];
int rowCount = 0;
char* token = NULL;

while (rowCount < n && fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin))
    token = strtok(line, " ");
    checkToken(token, n);
    // do something

My function reads from stdin line by line and performs some tasks. It works fine for me on Visual Studio. However, it acts differently on xcode. It took a while for me to realize that this is caused by the difference between \n, \r, and \n\r. How do I make my code support these newline chars?

update: consider this input:

3 4
5 6 7

On visual studio, the function reads line by line. However, on Xcode it reads the first line just fine then it reads \n instead 10\n.


  • On visual studio, the function reads line by line. However, on xcode it reads the first line just fine then it reads \n instead 10\n.

    The problem is not fgets(). This problem is the same exact file is treated as different text files on different platforms.

    A simply solution is to create each text file, separately, on each platform using that platform's end-of-line convention.

    Alternatively and harder, to read the same exact file on different platforms, create your own line read function that ID's an end-of-line in the various ways. Depending on goals, code may need to (re-)open the file in binary.

    Alternatively and meets many cases, open the file in text mode (as stdin does), use fgets() and strip various line endings off.

    if (fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin)) {
      line[strcspn(line, "\n\r")] = '\0'; // truncate after first of \n, \r or \0