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List all dependencies of a workflow in UAC / StoneBranch

I have a workflow in UAC that contains inside it another list of workflows and each one of it a series of tasks.

I want to make an API Call to list all the WFs and tasks and their dependencies. Is that possible?

I only managed to extract the first level of information.

Structure of workflow:

  |    |
  |    |_ task1
  |    |
  |    |_task2
           |_ task1 


curl --request GET http://UAC_HOST/uc/resources/workflow/vertices?workflowname=INITIAL_WF --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: {TOKEN}"

This command will only give me information of Inside_WF_1 and Inside_WF_2.


  • In the UAC UI under the Right Click "Workflow Task Commands" you can select View Tree to display the following:

    View Tree Report:
    View Tree Report

    However this cannot currently be printed or accessed with a single API call. This is under consideration for a future release.

    In the mean time I have a Python script that does the equivalent:

        python .\ --controllerurl https://dev-uac:8499/uc --username ccocksedge --password sbus77 --workflow '#app_collections ${ao_schedule_date}'
        WORKFLOW = #app_collections ${ao_schedule_date}
         Task Name                                          Task Alias                                         Task Type
         Pull_Todays_Inputs                                 None                                               Stored Procedure
         Check_Space_B4_Load                                None                                               System Monitor
         Daily_Returns                                      None                                               Workflow
          Task Name                                          Task Alias                                         Task Type
          Daily_Calc_Returns                                 None                                               Windows
          Report_Inputs                                      None                                               Windows
          Report_Vendors                                     None                                               Windows
          Report_Returns                                     None                                               Windows
         Weekly_Returns                                     None                                               Workflow
          Task Name                                          Task Alias                                         Task Type
          Weekly_Calc_Returns                                None                                               Windows
          Report_Inputs                                      None                                               Windows
          Report_Vendors                                     None                                               Windows
          Report_Returns                                     None                                               Windows
         Monthly_Returns                                    None                                               Workflow
          Task Name                                          Task Alias                                         Task Type
          Monthly_Calc_Returns                               None                                               Windows
          Report_Inputs                                      None                                               Windows
          Report_Returns                                     None                                               Windows
          Report_Vendors                                     None                                               Windows
         Disk_Clean_Up                                      None                                               Windows
         List_Receipts                                      None                                               Windows
         Load_Results                                       None                                               Stored Procedure
         Detect_Vendor_Feed                                 None                                               Remote File Monitor
         Download_Vendor_Feeds                              None                                               File Transfer
    Here is the code:
    # --
    #         Origins: Stonebranch
    #          Author: Colin Cocksedge
    #            Date: 22-APR-2020
    #    Copyright (c) Stonebranch, 2020.  All rights reserved.
    #         Purpose: Workflow Tree Report
    version = "1.0"
    #           Version History:    1.0     CCO     22-APR-2020         Initial Version   
    # --
    # -- Main Logic Function
    def main():
        ScriptSetup()                                                   # -- Import Required Modules, Setup Logging Format, Set Variables
        indent = 0                                                      # -- Set base indent for formatted tree report     
        print("WORKFLOW = {0}".format(args.workflow))
        WorkflowReport(args.workflow,indent)                            # -- Workflow Tree Report
    # --
    # -- Import Required Modules, Setup Logging Format, Set Variables 
    def ScriptSetup():
        # -- Import required python modules 
        import argparse, logging, sys, urllib
        # -- Import requests module, if error then install requests
            import requests
                from pip import main as pipmain
                from pip._internal import main as pipmain
        global argparse, logging, sys, requests, urllib
        # -- Set Variables 
        parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Purpose : Workflow Tree Report')
        # ## --> 
        parser.add_argument("--controllerurl", default="http://localhost:8080/opswise")
        parser.add_argument("--username", default="ops.admin")
        parser.add_argument("--password", default="secret")
        parser.add_argument("--workflow", default="My_Workflow")
        # ## -->
        parser.add_argument("--loglevel", default="None")
        global args
        # -- Setup Logging
        numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None)
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s', level=numeric_level)
        # -- Print Paramater Values
        logging.debug("Executing version {0} with the following parameters : {1}".format(version, args))
        # -- Strip Trailing / from Remote Controller URL to Avoid 404 Resource Not Found
        args.controllerurl = args.controllerurl.rstrip("/")
        # -- Ignore Https Warnings
        import urllib3
    # --
    # ## --> Functions Go Here
    # -- Workflow Tasks 
    def WorkflowReport(workflow,indent):
        WorkflowTaskList = GetWorkflowTasks(workflow) # Find All Tasks in Workflow
        print("{0} {1:50} {2:50} {3:30}".format(" "*indent,"Task Name","Task Alias","Task Type"))                       
        for task in WorkflowTaskList:
            # For Each Workflow Task
            taskalias = task['alias']
            taskname = task['task']['value']
            # Get the Task Type
            tasktype = GetTaskType(taskname)  
            print("{0} {1:50} {2:50} {3}".format(" "*indent,taskname,str(taskalias),tasktype))
            # If Task Type = Workflow Then process the subworkflow's tasks
            if tasktype == "Workflow":
                indent = indent + 1 # increment subworkflows tree report level
                indent = indent - 1 # decrement tree report level
    # --
    # -- Get All Tasks in Workflow
    def GetWorkflowTasks(workflowname):
        logging.debug("Call resources/workflow/vertices API")
        payload = {'workflowname':workflowname}
        query = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload)
        ListWorkflowTasks = apicall(args.username, args.password, "get", "/workflow/vertices?", query, "")
        WorkflowTasks = ListWorkflowTasks.json()
    # -- 
    # -- Get Task Type
    def GetTaskType(taskname):
        logging.debug("Call resources/task/list API")
        data = {
            "name": taskname
        ListTask = apicall(args.username, args.password, "post", "/task/list", "None", data)
        tasklist = ListTask.json()
        tasktype = tasklist[0]['type']
    # --
    # -- Call UAC API
    def apicall(username, password, method, resource, query, jsondata): 
        if str(query) == "None":
        headers = {
            'content-type': 'application/json',
            'Accept': 'application/json'
        uri="{0}/resources{1}{2}".format(args.controllerurl, resource, query)
            if str(method) == "get":
                response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, auth=(username, password), verify=False)
            if str(method) == "post":
                response =, headers=headers, json=jsondata, auth=(username, password), verify=False)
            logging.error("Error Calling {0} API {1}".format(args.controllerurl, sys.exc_info()))
            logging.critical("{0} Error Code : {1}".format(uri, response.status_code))
            logging.critical("Failed with reason : {}".format(response.text))
    # --
    # -->
    # -- Execute