I have a 50GB firestore DB and around 10m documents to read i have a blaze plan but in the bucket calculator there is a "class operation" that i did not understand.
how much should I pay per backup ? , do i need to calculate the reading firebase operations only ? what is the price for GIB in the bucket
i tried to calculate smth like :
(10,000,000 / 100,000 ) * 0.06
is that the price ? i would like to know what is the pricing per backup
Do I need to calculate the Firestore reading operations only?
No. As you have noticed, and as explained in the doc, "exporting data from Cloud Firestore will incur one read operation per document exported."
But there are some extra costs: Storage Cost (see below), Cloud Functions invocations cost (normally should be 0$ since there is a generous free tier of 2M/month), Cloud Scheduler cost (again there is a free tier of 3 free jobs per month, per billing account).
What is the price for GIB in the bucket?
For calculating the Storage cost, you have to take into account the storage class of the bucket that is going to receive the exports, because the pricing depends on the class.
In the Firebase console, when you create a new bucket, you can choose the location and the desired class, see the below screenshot. They both influence de Storage pricing. Depending on your exact need, I would recommend choosing the Rare or Archive access frequency. Rare corresponds to the Coldline class and Archive to the Archive class.