I have a pipeline in which i calling a power-shell script which copy the azure keyvault secrets from one key-vault to another keyvault. Here's the powershell script:
$SecretNames = "api-gateway--jwt-public-key",
for (($i = 0); $i -lt $SecretNames.Count; $i++)
$sourceSecretName = "$($SecretNames[$i])"
$destSecretName = "$($SecretNames[$i])"
$Getvalue=(Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $sourceVaultName -Name $sourceSecretName).SecretValue
Write-Host "Copying $sourceSecretName Value To $destSecretName"
Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $destVaultName -Name $destSecretName `
-SecretValue $Getvalue
When I run the pipeline, I got this error but this works fine locally. Here's the error:
Get-AzKeyVaultSecret: /home/vsts/work/1/s/Terraform/Terraform-Scripts/main.ps1:351
Line |
351 | … $Getvalue=(Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $sourceVaultName -Name $s …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Name or service not known
I'm bit confused, what i'm doing wrong.
Along with checking that please check also if the case maybe dns resolution issue or invalid dns cache causing the error .
For that please try to give it sleep time and repeat the step.(Also check by dns flush ) Place check azure-powershell issues(github) comment by @placidseven ang set azure keyvault by first checking if dns Is resolved.
foreach(($i = 0); $i -lt $SecretNames.Count; $i++)
$sourceSecretName = "$($SecretNames[$i])"
$destSecretName = $sourceSecretName
$Getvalue=(Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $sourceVaultName -Name $sourceSecretName).SecretValue
Write-Host "Copying $sourceSecretName Value To $destSecretName"
function setSecret{
while (!$secret) {
$DnsCheck = Resolve-DnsName $VaultURI -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$DnsCheck) {
write-host "Resolve-DnsName taking time to resolve $vaultName. Keep trying!"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $destVaultName -Name $destSecretName `
-SecretValue $Getvalue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$secret = Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $destVaultName -Name $destSecretName `
-SecretValue $Getvalue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Reference: Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret does not recognize vaultName · GitHub