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Bad auto formatting in razor page file for <text> blocks - VS2022

In a razor page file (.cshtml), when I use for example ; or {, in @<text> block or anything except for razor syntax, then the file is auto-formatted, the same as if I use Ctrl+K+D.

The issue is that EACH time my file is formatted, EVERY content inside a @<text> block will be indented.



after writing the second ; it became (and all other @<text> block in my file)


I already deactivated the option Use adaptative formatting. I tried in Options > Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Formatting and unchecked everthing in Automatic Formatting but without success.

Important to mention that this behavior is only in VS2022 and not in VS2019.


  • Fixed with update 17.3 of VS2022.

    See release notes at section "Razor (ASP.NET Core) Editor".