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How use NULL value SSRS parameter to retrieve rows containing NULLS

I've read many posts concerning NULLS and SSRS report parameters, but none of them appear to solve my problem.

I have a user-selectable SSRS report parameter @NoteType which can be 1, 3, 4 or NULL. The database table I'm working with (eventText) has a column NoteValue containing 1 of those 4 values. Unfortunately, I can't alter the table design to substitute an integer for that NULL value.

My report works fine if @NoteType = 1, 3 or 4; but not if @NoteType = NULL. If @NoteType = NULL then, depending on my paramaterized WHERE clause (discussed below) my report has either no rows, or it has all of the rows for which NoteValue = 1, 3 or 4. I can't figure out how to retrieve the rows for which NoteValue = NULL if the user selects @NoteType = NULL.

I've configured the @NoteType parameter to allow NULL values, with Note Value as the parameter's value field and Note Type as the label field. The parameter values are obtained from a UNION query:

SELECT      ett.NoteValue         AS    [Note Value],
            ett.NoteDescription   AS    [Note Type]
FROM        eventTextType    ett
SELECT      NULL                  AS    [Note Value],
            'Blank'               AS    [Note Type]
ORDER BY    [Note Type]

The eventTextType table has only 3 rows in which the NoteValue column value is 1, 3 or 4 respectively. There is no row with NoteValue = NULL in the eventTextType table, but there are many such rows in the eventText table. That's why I'm using a UNION query to include NULL as one of the @NoteType parameter values.

The UNION query's output is:

Note Value  Note Type
4           Annuity 
1           Balance
NULL        Blank
3           Division

I suspect that my problem is in the WHERE clause which uses the @NoteType parameter to retrieve rows for the report. Here's what I have tried:

WHERE et.NoteValue = @NoteType -- works fine for @NoteType = 1, 3 or 4; but no rows are returned if @NoteType = NULL

WHERE et.NoteValue = IIF(@NoteType IS NULL, NULL, @NoteType) -- same result

WHERE et.NoteValue = CASE WHEN @NoteType IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE @NoteType END -- same result (expected, since this is equivalent to the IFF version)

WHERE et.NoteValue = COALESCE(@NoteType, et.NoteValue) -- works fine for @NoteType = 1, 3 or 4; but if @NoteType = NULL returns all rows with NoteValue column value 1, 3 or 4 but no rows with NoteValue column value = NULL

What WHERE clause should I be using?


  • Assuming that your dataset for your main dataset is a dataset query (not a stored proc) then I would simply add a valid parameter value (I've used 0 in this exmaple) to the parameter list and substitute that in the dataset query.

    So, change the dataset query that provide parameter values to

    SELECT      ett.NoteValue         AS    [Note Value],
                ett.NoteDescription   AS    [Note Type]
    FROM        eventTextType    ett
    SELECT      0                     AS    [Note Value],
                'Blank'               AS    [Note Type]
    ORDER BY    [Note Type]

    Now in you main dataset query you can change your where clause to this (which will also handle multi-value parameters if that's required)

    WHERE ISNULL(et.NoteValue, 0) IN(@NoteType)

    Unless I've missed something obvious, that should be it.