I just recently discovered variable variables in PHP, needless to say, it´s usefulness is immense:
$name = "ABC";
$$name = "DEF";
echo ${"ABC"}; //Gives: DEF
That got me thinking, which brings us to my question:
Since we can have names that´s variable, can´t we also have functions that´s variable? Not 'functions' as in the names of functions, but (more or less) as in:
$func = 'function test() { echo "Success!"; }';
$func(); //If this would work, it would give: Success!
Or, even better, variables classes:
$class = 'class { function test() { echo "Success!"; } }';
$instance = new $class;
$instance->test(); //In a (not-so) perfect world this would give: Success!
Any of this possible?
The only way this would work is using eval
$func = "echo 'Success!';";
You can use variables to call functions as well.
function foo()
echo 'Success';
$foo = 'foo';
Keep in mind - you're entering a dangerous area of PHP as this usually only obfuscates your code for any future developers having to maintain your code (including yourself in a few months).