I got that table
P_IP varchar(255),
MAC varchar(255),
R_IP varchar(255),
Every column can be duplicate. Each row is report by timestamp I wanna get the latest row unique mac by timestamp. and if there duplicate by the other column let it take one of them, I dont care which
Example: that is my table :
the rows I looking for is the green rows
So I tried this:
select * from test as our left JOIN (
select MAC as mac,MAX(rip) as rip,max(dates) as dates from test
group by mac) as temp ON
our.mac = temp.mac AND
our.rip = temp.rip AND
our.dates = temp.dates
but it do max on the the timestamp and max on the r_ip that create a row that not really exist. Is there a way to get what I needed
This is achievable using windows function.
select t.P_IP, t.R_IP, t.Mac, t.dates from (
select row_number() over (partition by mac order by dates desc
,r_ip asc) rn_mac, * from test) t
where t.rn_mac = 1
see this dbfiddle