I am using react-native-pell-rich-editor while opening linking tag it showing javascript keyword there. Please tell me if you know why ?
its because rich editor uses a javascript prompt to display that modal, alternatively you could try to create a custom modal and add it to rich editor add link function (find it on node_modules/react-native-pell-rich-editor/src/editor.js) or you can make a custom action for it
editor.js line 303
link: {
result: function(data) {
data = data || {};
var title = data.title;
title = title || window.getSelection().toString();
// title = title || window.prompt('Enter the link title');
var url = data.url || window.prompt('Enter the link URL');
if (url){
exec('insertHTML', "<a href='"+ url +"'>"+(title || url)+"</a>");