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Maven antrun move not deleting source file

Developing on Windows 10 I have a Java project in Maven that has a Linux "launcher" shell script for the FooBar utility stored in the repository at src/bin/ It uses resource filtering to substitute in the correct executable JAR path so that what gets built is a script that launches the executable JAR in the same directory.

The POM uses org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8 to enable the executable flag on the script in the target/bin directory (which has been already been copied using Maven resource filtering, with that directory path stored in the ${binOutputDirectory} property):

<chmod dir="${binOutputDirectory}" includes="**/*.sh" perm="+x" />

Then it renames the file to simply foobar (i.e. it removes the extension) to follow best practices for shell scripts:

<move todir="${binOutputDirectory}">
  <fileset dir="${binOutputDirectory}">
    <include name="**/*.sh" />
  <mapper type="glob" from="*.sh" to="*" />

You can see e.g. globalmentor-root pom.xml at c31ae410143f86ebf2bf10467214214d87b2eb61 for the full POM source code. Actual child POMs will simply enable the AntRun operations by providing their executions an appropriate phase like this:


The essential part of that is working fine, and I wind up with a foobar file in my distributable ZIP file, with its executable flag enabled as desired. Unfortunately I also wind up with the original file as well, and I can see in target/bin (where the .sh extension gets removed) that both files are there as well. So it would appear that AntRun <move> is behaving as <copy>.

To see this in action, build the Guise Mummy 0.1.0 project and look in the cli/target/bin directory; you'll see that has not been deleted.

To work around the problem, I can add an extraneous <delete> command; this will successfully remove (The difference in <fileset> syntax is irrelevant; I switched only because it was more concise.)

<move todir="${binOutputDirectory}">
  <fileset dir="${binOutputDirectory}" includes="**/*.sh"/>
  <mapper type="glob" from="*.sh" to="*" />
  <fileset dir="${binOutputDirectory}" includes="**/*.sh"/>

Why is AntRun <move> by itself not removing the original target/bin/ file after it copies it to target/bin/foobar as part of the move operation?


  • Upgrading to org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:3.1.0 seems to have fixed the problem. When I created this question I had been using v1.8. I can only suppose that org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8 is buggy.