So, following up from a previous question, I have made some corrections to call the actual object instead of calling it as a list, but now I have a new error.
E/VM: Index: 0, Size: 0
This is coming from the view model. I am assuming that there is no items that got to the list. Which would mean that the mapper class didn't work. Which means the database has nothing.
Here's the interface
interface AnywhereAPI {
suspend fun getAnyInfo(
@Query("q") query : String = "the+wire+characters&format=json",
@Query("format") format : String = "json"
): Response<GetAnyResponse>
The Repo
class AnywhereRepository @Inject constructor(
private val api: AnywhereAPI,
private val anywhereDao: AnywhereDao
// suspend fun getAllInfos(): DataOrException<GetAnyResponse, Boolean, Exception>{
// val response = try {
// api.getAnyInfo()
// }catch (e: Exception){
// Log.d("REPO", "getAllInfos: $e")
// return DataOrException(e = e)
// }
// Log.d("REPO INSIDE", "getAllInfos: $response")
// return DataOrException(data = response)
// }
val feeds: Flow<List<AnywhereListEntity>>
get() = anywhereDao.getInfo()
suspend fun anywhereInfo(): List<AnywhereListEntity>? {
val request = api.getAnyInfo()
if (request.isSuccessful){
val anyItems = request.body()!!.let {
return (listOf(anyItems))
return null
The ViewModel
class AnyViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val repository: AnywhereRepository
): ViewModel() {
val anyInfoResults = repository.feeds
init {
private fun getAnyList(){
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
}catch (e: Exception){
Log.e("VM",e.message, e.cause)
The Main Screen
fun MainScreen(anyViewModel: AnyViewModel = hiltViewModel()){
val allItems by anyViewModel.anyInfoResults.collectAsState(initial = emptyList())
Surface(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary
) {
AnyList(list = allItems)
fun AnyList(list: List<AnywhereListEntity>) {
items(list){item ->
AnyCard(anyItems = item)
fun AnyCard(anyItems: AnywhereListEntity) {
Card (modifier = Modifier
shape = RoundedCornerShape(size = 20.dp),
backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant,
elevation = 11.dp
) {
Row(horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center) {
Text(text =
Not sure how to get the info I need to save in the database, but any help is appreciated. I'll leave my updated GitHub project link here and the URL for the API. Thank you.
GitHub Link:
API link:
You're passing the search (query) string incorrectly. Instead of
@Query("q") query : String = "the+wire+characters&format=json",
it should be
@Query("q") query : String = "the wire characters",