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How to draw line pass through point and center of rectangle?

There is a point A and quadrilateral with Longitude and latitude, I calculate the center of quadrilateral C, then I want to draw a line pass through A to C and extend that line to -20 latitude B, how can I calculate the coordinate of point B?enter image description here


    1. Define quadrilateral for a sphere.
    2. Find C, the center. Or at least approximate it. For example avg lat and avg lng might be "close enough".
    3. Convert A and C to [x,y,z] assuming center of earth is [0,0,0].
    4. You now have 3 3D points. This defines a circle on the plane that goes through all 3.
    5. Find the plane where B is. Note that this latter plane does not go through [0,0,0]; instead [0,0,z] where z is some simple trig based on -20 deg latitude.
    6. Find the line that intersects those two planes.
    7. Find, on the line, the x,y for the above z.
    8. Convert [x,y,z] to polar to get longitude.

    (Sorry, I don't have the energy or incentive to fill in the details.)

    (There could be a simpler algorithm, but I doubt if it would have many fewer steps.)