I'm trying to reference parameters in the description of functions like this:
* Deletes the Travel Cost with the given {@param id}
* @param id the id of the travel cost to be deleted
deleteTravelCost(id: number): Observable<{}> { [...] }
But it doesn't seem to work with the {@param id}
. The result when invoking the function is the following:
(method) TravelCostsService.deleteTravelCost(id: number): Observable<{}>
Deletes the Travel Cost with the given {@param id}
@param id — the id of the travel cost to be deleted
I expect to have a clickable element in the documentation referencing to the parameter (in the general description of the function, not in the actual parameter description). Is there a proper way to reference a parameter or even the return of a function in the description? (I'm using Visual Studio Code).
as @basarat said, there's no way to cross-reference a parameter within documentation itself, so the closest thing to that i can think of is @link and @see directives
// this `id` const is referenced only when there's no @param id in doc
const id: number = 33 // or anything
* Deletes the Travel Cost with the given {@link id}
* @param id the id of the travel cost to be deleted
deleteTravelCost(id: number): Observable<{}> { [...] }