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How to fetch folder structure from Nuxt content?

I'm trying to fetch my content structure to display the list on the homepage: my folder is like that :

content /
-- | A /
---- |
-- | B /
---- |
-- | C /
---- |

And I would like to use these folders as categories for my website. So later they are displayed as a list (A, B, C) on the homepage. I know I can fetch articles but I don't know for folders...

Here is an exemple on how it looks in html, css, jquery. It will look something like that:

$('.sub-menu ul').hide();
$(".sub-menu a").click(function () {
body {
  font-size: 1em;
  font-family: arial;
a {
  text-decoration: none;

.menu {
  width: 50%;
ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

li {

li:not(.sub-menu):last-child {


.sub-menu li {
  border-top: 1px solid black;

li.sub-menu {
  margin-left: 20px;
<script src=""></script>
  <ul class="menu">
    <li class='sub-menu'> <a href='#'>A</a>

        <li class='sub-menu'>
          <img src="" alt=""> <br>
          <a href='#'>Project related to A</a>
        <li class='sub-menu'> <a href='#'>B</a>

        <li class='sub-menu'>
          <img src="" alt=""> <br>
          <a href='#'>Another project related to B</a>
    <li class='sub-menu'> <a href='#'>C</a>

        <li class='sub-menu'> 
                    <img src="" alt=""> <br>
          <a href='#'>Again another project related to C</a>

This is what I use so far to fetch the articles published.

export default {
  async asyncData ({ $content, params }) {
    const articles = await $content('A', params.slug)
      .only(['title', 'description', 'img', 'slug'])
      .sortBy('createdAt', 'asc')

    return {


  • I saw that you answer got answered there:

    With the following code

      <div class="container">
        <div v-for="(filteredArticles, categoryKey) in groupedCategories" :key="categoryKey">
          <h2>{{ categoryKey }}</h2>
          <list-item v-for="article in filteredArticles" :key="article.slug">
            <template #title>
              {{ article.title }}
            <template #content>
              <div> {{ article.description }}</div>
    export default {
      async asyncData ({ $content }) {
        const articles = await $content('', { deep: true })
          .only(['title', 'description', 'img', 'slug', 'cat', 'dir'])
          .sortBy('createdAt', 'asc')
        return { articles }
      computed: {
        groupedCategories () {
          return this.articles.reduce((finalObject, obj) => {
            const directory = obj.dir
            finalObject[directory] ?? (finalObject[directory] = [])
            return finalObject
          }, {})