I was trying to make a command that clears specified number of messages by a particular user, I am new to discord.py, my problem is that the command doesn't clear messages if any other user has sent a message/interrupted messages of the specified user. Eg:
User 1: A
User 2: B
User 1: A
User 1: A
I try to clear 3 messages by user 1, but it clears only the last 2 and not the one that comes before User 2 sent a message. Here's my code:
@bot.slash_command(description='Clears messages by a specified user.')
async def user_clear(ctx,amount:int, member:discord.Member):
def check(message):
return message.author==member
await ctx.channel.purge(check=check,limit=amount)
await ctx.respond(f"Cleared {amount} messages by {member}!")
I'd appreciate any help!
Here's one which works:
async def user_clear(ctx: commands.Context, amount: int, member: discord.Member = None):
counter = 0
async for message in ctx.channel.history(limit=100, before=ctx.message):
if counter < amount and message.author == member:
await message.delete()
counter += 1
await ctx.channel.send(f"Cleared {amount} messages by {member}!")