Sometimes it is very tiresome to sort keys alphabetically, especially in larger tables, which grow over time.
!define Table(name,desc) class name as "desc" << (T,white) >>
!define primary_key(x) <b><color:b8861b><&key></color> x</b>
!define column(x) <color:black><&media-record></color> x
Table(testTable, "demoTable") {
Is there any option for PlantUML that would sort my column
entries based on their names?
I want to display the diagram as if I'd have written it as
!define Table(name,desc) class name as "desc" << (T,white) >>
!define primary_key(x) <b><color:b8861b><&key></color> x</b>
!define column(x) <color:black><&media-record></color> x
Table(testTable, "demoTable") {
Is it possible with built-in tools, or do you have any idea how to accomplish this?
You could suggest the feature to the PlantUML Q&A Forum.
In the mean time, why not use an !include
and sort the items in your operating system. Here's a sample:
!define Table(name,desc) class name as "desc" << (T,white) >>
!define primary_key(x) <b><color:b8861b><&key></color> x</b>
!define column(x) <color:black><&media-record></color> x
Table(testTable, "demoTable") {
!include items.include
Table(testTableSorted, "demoTable(sorted)") {
!include sorted_items.include
You could always keep the file sorted, or sort a copy of it:
sort items.include > sorted_items.include