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How to fetch all nested markdown files in Nuxt content?

I'm trying to fetch for each A, B, C category a different folder in my content folder.

The best way I've managed to do that is using v-for and some arrays list in order to have my category list at the same place.
This array works with slots that generate a new Item for each new element:

 <div v-for="accordion in accordions" :key="accordion.title" class="l">
        <template #title>
          {{ accordion.title }}

        <template #content>
          <div>{{ accordion.text }}</div>

I have this to fetch my articles:

  async asyncData ({ $content }) {
    const articles = await $content('', { deep: true })
      .only(['title', 'description', 'img', 'slug', 'cat'])
      .sortBy('createdAt', 'asc')

    return { articles }
  }, // this fetch all of my articles, which is nice

Now, in the accordions, I would like to do something similar to this: (or find a way to pass a .where({ cat: 'A' })...)

 accordions: [
          title: 'A',
          text: const products = await this.$content('text').where({ '': { $contains: 'A' } }).fetch()
          title: 'B',
          text: const products = await this.$content('text').where({ '': { $contains: 'B' } }).fetch()
          title: 'C',
          text: const products = await this.$content('text').where({ '': { $contains: 'C' } }).fetch()

How can I manage to instead of hardcoded text, have my articles from my content folder?

Supposed render


  • This gives a nice result (with some random .md files but the same structure as yours).

      <pre>{{ articles }}</pre>
    export default {
      async asyncData ({ $content }) {
        const articles = await $content('', { deep: true })
          .only(['title', 'description', 'img', 'slug'])
          .sortBy('createdAt', 'asc')
        return { articles }

    Official source:

    The result displayed being

    enter image description here