I want to try the Community Toolkit 8.0 the MVVM part.
I have a very simple application:
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=local:MainWindowViewModel}"
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="12*" />
<Button x:Name="ButtonDirectory" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Margin="50 2 0 2" Width="200" Content="List Directory" Command="{Binding ClickButtonListDirectoryCommand, Mode=OneWay}" />
<ListView x:Name="ListViewDirectories" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" ItemsSource="{Binding DirectoriesNames}" />
and this is my viewmodel:
public partial class MainWindowViewModel : ObservableObject
List<string> _directoriesNames = new();
private void ClickButtonListDirectory()
This construct works, when I use string
instead of a list - but obviously I want to use something like a list when my view component is a ListView.
The directoriesNames
itself gets updated (saw that in the debugger) but it's not displayed in the view (ListView
Can someone help me out with that?
Change your List
to ObservableCollection.
This code:
List<string> _directoriesNames = new();
Will notify the UI when the DirectoriesNames itself is changed but the only change you are making to DirectoriesNames is instantiating it.
You can use a ObservableCollection to notify the UI when you add or remove items.