Is it possible to avoid calling almost the same query twice - one time for count for pagination and then for the actual data, and combine them into the single Cypher call?
I doing it in a single query was a requirement, you could do something along these lines, assuming you these parameters:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 10
this query
MATCH (n:Movie)
WITH COLLECT({title:n.title}) AS allResults
WITH allResults[($page * $pageSize)..($page+1)*$pageSize] AS pageResults,
toInt(size(allResults)/$pageSize) + 1 AS numPages,
size(allResults) AS totalCount
RETURN totalCount,$page, numPages, pageResults
│"totalCount"│"$page"│"numPages"│"pageResults" │
│46 │0 │5 │[{"title":"Forrest Gump"},{"title":"Appolo 13"},{"title":"The Matrix"}│
│ │ │ │,{"title":"The Matrix Reloaded"},{"title":"The Matrix Revolutions"},{"│
│ │ │ │title":"The Devil's Advocate"},{"title":"A Few Good Men"},{"title":"To│
│ │ │ │p Gun"},{"title":"Jerry Maguire"},{"title":"Stand By Me"}] │