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How to sort by created time when use .getFiles() in Photoshop Script?

var fileFolderArray = Folder( "~/Downloads/" ).getFiles();

How to sort by files created time when use getFiles function ? thanks:)


  • You'll be able to get the created time with .created notation. You can't use filter or more complex JavaScript functions as Photoshop relies on earlier version of ECMAScript :(

    This will work for ya:

    myFolder = "C:\\temp";
    var sorted = sort_files_by_creation_date(myFolder);
    var msg ="";
    for (var i = 0;  i < sorted.length; i++)
       msg+= sorted[i][0] + "\n";
    function sort_files_by_creation_date (afolder)
       var fileFolderArray = Folder(afolder).getFiles();
       var dates = [];
       for (var i = 0;  i < fileFolderArray.length; i++)
          var fileCreationDate = fileFolderArray[i].created.toString();
          // var fileCreationDate = fileFolderArray[i].modified.toString();
          dates.push([fileCreationDate, fileFolderArray[i]]);
       return dates.sort(sortFunction);  
    function sortFunction(a, b)
        if (a[0] === b[0])
          return 0;
          return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : 1;

    Sort function taken from here.