I create resource-group :
PS > az group create -l westus -n rg-appsvc
Then I create app-service :
PS > az appservice plan create --resource-group=rg-appsvc --name appsvc-plan-test --sku S1
Then I create web-service :
PS > az webapp create --resource-group rg-appsvc --plan appsvc-plan-test --name webapp-test
Webapp 'webapp-test' already exists. The command will use the existing app's settings. Unable to retrieve details of the existing app 'webapp-test'. Please check that the app is a part of the current subscription
PS > az webapp list
When you create a Web App, its name will be a subdomain of azurewebsites.net. Looks like the webapp-test name is already in use. Try using a different name.