As shown in the title, I can't connect to via adb. ADB showed
cannot connect to No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (10061)
I checked the netstat
netstat -anep tcp | findstr "58526"
and the result showed that Port 58526 is not listening(actually, I didn't get any result) .
And of course my Developer Mode is on but I can't toggle Wireless Debugging.
BTW, I can connect to WSA by the given IP in the WSA Setting panel(i.e.:172.22.*.*:5555).
Any suggestions on solving this? Thanks!
so I've been able to find a solution to the issue.
First, open a PowerShell window and run
You'll get a list containing lots of IP Addresses divided into categories. Look for a header with a Default tag.
ipconfig output that you're looking for
Now copy the IPv4 Address that's written there.
Connect to the WSA using the following code:
adb connect <Your IPv4 Address>:58526
You'll get a prompt from WSA requesting you to allow debugging. Press Accept and you're done!