I have the following Flow created to login with an API and then fetch data from a second endpoint.
"id": "4d1f98b0.642758",
"type": "http request",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "/login",
"method": "POST",
"ret": "txt",
"paytoqs": "ignore",
"url": "https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/login",
"tls": "",
"persist": false,
"proxy": "",
"insecureHTTPParser": false,
"authType": "",
"senderr": false,
"headers": [],
"x": 490,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "62206b38.707924",
"type": "function",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.headers = {}\nmsg.url = \"https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/login\";\nmsg.headers[\"content-type\"] = \"application/json\"\n\n\nmsg.payload = {\n \"userName\": \"API\",\n \"systemCode\": \"1337\"\n}\n\nreturn msg",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 340,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "fda2c97918f48fc3",
"type": "inject",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": false,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"payload": "",
"payloadType": "date",
"x": 180,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "0ce4ec69bf9d8b8a",
"type": "debug",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "debug msg",
"active": true,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": true,
"tostatus": false,
"complete": "true",
"targetType": "full",
"statusVal": "",
"statusType": "auto",
"x": 1570,
"y": 180,
"wires": []
"id": "9e0cdaf0c53abc05",
"type": "function",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "flow save token",
"func": "flow.set('token', msg.headers[\"xsrf-token\"]);\n\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 660,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "7a3e4af0ea3ffca9",
"type": "function",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.headers = {}\nmsg.url = \"https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/getDevRealKpi\";\nmsg.headers[\"content-type\"] = \"application/json\"\nmsg.headers[\"XSRF-TOKEN\"] = flow.get(\"token\");\n\nmsg.payload = {\n \"devIds\": \"123\",\n \"devTypeId\": \"1\"\n}\n\nnode.log(msg.payload);\n\nreturn msg",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 1020,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "45bbc3580423f628",
"type": "http request",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "/getDevRealKpi",
"method": "POST",
"ret": "txt",
"paytoqs": "ignore",
"url": "https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/getDevRealKpi",
"tls": "",
"persist": false,
"proxy": "",
"insecureHTTPParser": false,
"authType": "",
"senderr": false,
"headers": [],
"x": 1200,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "f2fa10e69d612fbb",
"type": "inject",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": false,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"payload": "token",
"payloadType": "flow",
"x": 840,
"y": 220,
"wires": [
"id": "8d4abce006eb56da",
"type": "delay",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "",
"pauseType": "delay",
"timeout": "5",
"timeoutUnits": "seconds",
"rate": "1",
"nbRateUnits": "1",
"rateUnits": "second",
"randomFirst": "1",
"randomLast": "5",
"randomUnits": "seconds",
"drop": false,
"allowrate": false,
"outputs": 1,
"x": 840,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "0fdbf21d9218945b",
"type": "json",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "",
"property": "payload",
"action": "",
"pretty": false,
"x": 1370,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "c91763435a1a9f49",
"type": "loxone-control-out",
"z": "c155aa476d7d3fe2",
"name": "Miniserver",
"miniserver": "294f4e359f889cd9",
"control": "",
"x": 1530,
"y": 300,
"wires": []
"id": "294f4e359f889cd9",
"type": "loxone-miniserver",
"host": "",
"port": "80",
"enctype": "0",
"active": true,
"keepalive": "30000"
What I dont understand is how I can schedule the /login
http request every 4 hours but the getDevRealKpi
should get called every 20 seconds as I need the response as UDP message.
Break the flow into 2.
Have the login part store the cookie/token in the context.
The second half can then grab the latest version of the authentication token from the context as needed.