Does anyone know how to have the Undo command in the menu bar enable when CoreData UndoManager has items to undo?
Here’s what I’ve done:
At app init I’m setting the Core Data PersistanceController UndoManager()
persistenceController.container.viewContext.undoManager = UndoManager()
I can confirm the CoreData undoManager is set because I can programmatically call undo and it works (for instance after deletion)
HOWEVER the Undo command in the menuBar remains disabled.
As a side-note, the Undo command in the menuBar works correctly when I’m writing text in a TextField (it does automatically enable to undo text changes).
Huge thanks in advance, been trying things for a while and can’t find anything online
Context is not clear, but try (just an idea) to use Undo Manager from environment, like
// ... somewhere in view where you change core data objects
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var viewContext
@Environment(\.undoManager) var undoManager
// ...
var body: some View {
// ...
.onAppear {
viewContext.undoManager = undoManager