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Radar Chart Comparison - Aggregate Data - PowerBI

I am trying to create a radar chart which allows me to aggregate data and allow me to control the aggregations with slicers. I have the following table with data ready prepared in Power Query with all the unpivoting done. The following table is called Sheet1.

ID Continent Country City Year Attribute Value
1 Europe Germany Berlin 2021 F1 50
1 Europe Germany Berlin 2021 F2 60
1 Europe Germany Berlin 2021 F3 76
1 Europe Germany Berlin 2021 F4 80
1 Europe Germany Berlin 2021 F5 30
2 Africa Nigeria Lagos 2022 F1 23
2 Africa Nigeria Lagos 2022 F2 11
2 Africa Nigeria Lagos 2022 F3 23
2 Africa Nigeria Lagos 2022 F4 23
2 Africa Nigeria Lagos 2022 F5 30
2 Africa Nigeria Lagos 2022 F6 64
3 Asia Japan Tokyo 2021 F1 34
3 Asia Japan Tokyo 2021 F3 32
4 Asia Japan Tokyo 2021 F1 45

Averaging everything for the year is easy, with an extra table named Year, with one column also named Year and 2 rows, 2021 and 2022. This column goes into a slicer.


The category will be Sheet1[Attribute] and the following measure going to the Y Axis:

_value-slicer_Avg = SWITCH(SELECTEDVALUE('Year'[Year]),

This yields the average for a year of choice, when I drop the Year column of the Year table into the slicer


What I want to be able to, is to add another dataset on top of it, which would be easy in case of the data of an ID only (see the Individual Comparison tab of the attached pbix)

Duplicating the table in PowerQuery (no relations needed) as below...


...I need to create these measures:

_slicer_individual_selection = 

_value-slicer_individual_selection = 
        CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Sheet1[Value]),FILTER(Sheet1, Sheet1[ID] = [_slicer_individual_selection]))

And drop the ID of the Sheet1_New table in another slicer.

Individual Comparison

What I want however, is for the second dataset to be the set of the averages of the IDs selected, and the selection should be available at Continent, Country, City or ID level (see the Aggregate Comparison tab of the pbix file attached).

My attempt is not correct, but for the sake of illustration, here it is:

I have replaced the following measure in the Y Axis of the radar chart:


with this one

_value-slicer_multiple_selection = 
        CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Sheet1[Value]),FILTER(Sheet1, Sheet1[ID] IN ALLSELECTED(Sheet1_New[ID])))

Failed Attempt of Aggregate Comparison

It also doesn't let me see all the continents, countries, cities or IDs available, I have to keep selecting things to make them show up. I want to be able to show the aggregate set of any selection of IDs based on the supersets available (continent, country, city) as the second set on top of the original aggregate per year. In the above example, I want to see the average for all the data from Tokyo (please note: for 2021 only) as the second set.

Also, I want the 4 slicers on the right-hand side to update, so that I only get to select the ones for 2021 when the selected Year is 2021 and the same for 2022.

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  • To solve your case I'd do following:

    1. Remove YEAR table and substitute values in the slicer With Sheet1[Year]. All other slicer make of Sheet1 columns. Substitute Sheet1_New with Attributes. Link Attributes[Attribute] to Sheet1[Attribute]. Use Attributes[Attribute] for category in the chart. If you don't want the link then use TREATAS(), but it will slower the measure. The reason for Attributes[Attribute] is that if you use Sheet1[Attribute] as category in the chart, you may filter Attribute values and it will distroy the chart.
    2. Change your _value-slicer_Avg to:

     _value-slicer_Avg = 
    1. All your Other measures do like this:

     _value-slicer_individual_selection = 
    1. Make your slicers not influencing Sheet1[Year] slicer and each other except chart. Sheet1[Year] should filter all visuals. Chart should not infuence any sclicer. look at pictures

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

    You can create table with unique values of Attibutes as follows:

    Attributes = VALUES(Sheet1[Attribute])

    I didn't link it with a Sheet1, so TREATAS was added. Below the measure which works with multiple selection.

    _Avg = 

    This measure will show average in respect of year only

    _value-slicer_Avg = 

    Regarding slicer look at the picture below:

    enter image description here

    Try to adjust filtering of slicers and the chart as you need.