I have a bicep file that accepts a param topic object
object that looks like this:
name: 'topic name'
subscriptions: [
name: 'subscriptionName'
ruleName: 'name of the rule'
Next I am going to create the resources:
resource servicebus 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces@2021-11-01' existing = {
name: 'products'
resource topicResource 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics@2021-11-01' = {
parent: servicebus
name: topic.topicName
resource subscriptions 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions@2021-11-01' = [for obj in topic.subscriptions: {
parent: topicResource
name: obj.name
resource rules 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules@2021-11-01' = [for (obj, i) in topic.subscriptions: {
parent: subscriptions[i]
name: obj.ruleName
properties: {
filterType: 'CorrelationFilter'
correlationFilter: {
label: obj.ruleName
In some situations I don't want to create the rules resource. This is based on the ruleName
property. If this property is empty, I don't want to create the resource.
But when I try to apply this condition, I get an error message:
{"code": "InvalidTemplate", "target": "[...]", "message": "Deployment template validation failed: 'The template resource '[..]' for type 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules' at line '1' and column '1763' has incorrect segment lengths. A nested resource type must have identical number of segments as its resource name. A root resource type must have segment length one greater than its resource name. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-template/#resources for usage details.'.", "additionalInfo": [{"type": "TemplateViolation", "info": {"lineNumber": 1, "linePosition": 1763, "path": "properties.template.resources[2].type"}}]}
What I think this error message is telling me, is that you need the same number of iterations as the parent, which in this case is subscriptions
and because of the loop condition of the 'child' resource, the number now is decreased by one (which is odd to me, because why not continue with the next item in the array and increase the index with one... but ok).
So my question is, how can I skip the resource creation when ruleName
is empty?
This is what I've tried and what gives the error above:
resource rules 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules@2021-11-01' = [for (obj, i) in topic.subscriptions: if (!empty(obj.ruleName)) {
The condition if (!empty(obj.ruleName))
will be converted to an ARM condition
Even if the resource won't be deployed it is still present in the generated ARM.
This mean the name
property in the generated ARM is missing a segment:
You will have to add the same condition (as a workaround) on the name
property as well:
name: !empty(obj.ruleName) ? obj.ruleName : 'whatever'
In your code, it should look like that:
resource rules 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules@2021-11-01' = [for (obj, i) in topic.subscriptions: if (!empty(obj.ruleName)) {
parent: subscriptions[i]
name: !empty(obj.ruleName) ? obj.ruleName : 'whatever'
properties: {
filterType: 'CorrelationFilter'
correlationFilter: {
label: obj.ruleName