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Trying to map a Date to object using mysqlconnector in C#

I am trying to read information from my DAL and am wondering what built in types am I suppose to use in C# to extract the DATE Data Type in MySql to retrieve information. Am I suppose to use DateTime and convert the DateTime to Date or is there a way in C# where we can retrieve specified information when calling upon it. I have an image of the DS at the bottom


using MySqlConnector;
private IObject ReadInformation(MySqlDataReader reader, IObject object)
        while (reader.Read)
            ((Object)object).Birthday = reader.getDateOnly("Birthday"); 
            // ^ My Current issue of questioning what Data type 
            // do I have to use under the reader and do I have to change the 
            // IObject.Birthday datatype.
    // catch code

Object Interface

class IObject 
    string FirstName;
    DateOnly Birthday;

Object Class

class Object : IObject
    public string FirstName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public DateOnly Birthday { get; set; }

Image of the MySQL Database Field enter image description here


  • class IObject
        string FirstName;
        DateTime Birthday; // Changed DateOnly to DateTime within the model 

    The Answer was my initial assumption that I must change the datatype from DateOnly -> DateTime. -- Answered by Flydog57