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Blazor Bootstrap-5 Hover tooltip does not show up

On a plain html document using bootstrap, i added a field with hover function when hovering over the "info" button, as shown next:

enter image description here

And the full page content of my html page is next:

enter image description here

As shown above, the html adds a reference to both bootstrap css, icons (for the info icon) and js and uses a js function to make the tooltip showup on hovering.

While as shown this perfectly works on a plain html page, it fails in context of a blazor component. So in my blazor application i have the _Layout which references the necessary css, js and function as shown below:

enter image description here

And my blazor razor component page looks like next:

enter image description here

And when i render the page and hover over the info button, the tooltip does not show (this in contrast with the plain html page where it shows up correctly ...):

enter image description here

Any clue ?

Thx for any response.



  • Like @T.Trassoudaine said, when your script executes the component hasn't rendered yet. You need to initialize popovers after the component renders using OnAfterRenderAsync lifecycle method.

    Change script inside _Layout.cshtml to this. We define a method called enablePopovers that we'll call later from the component.

        window.enablePopovers = function () {
                .forEach(function (popover) {
                    new bootstrap.Popover(popover);

    Now in PopoverTest.razor add this:

    @inject IJSRuntime JS
    @* rest of component code *@
    @code {
        protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
            if (firstRender)
                await JS.InvokeVoidAsync("enablePopovers");

    Also check the documentation for more info: