I am trying to parse through my .xml file using glob and then use etree to add more code to my .xml. However, I keep getting an error when using doc insert
that says object has no attribute insert. Does anyone know how I can effectively add code to my .xml?
from lxml import etree
path = "D:/Test/"
for xml_file in glob.glob(path + '/*/*.xml'):
doc = etree.parse(xml_file)
new_elem = etree.fromstring("""<new_code abortExpression=""
new_elem.tail = "\n"
My original xml looks like this :
<assesslet index="Test" hash-uptodate="False" types="TriggerRuleType" verbose="True"/>
And I'd like to modify it to look like this:
<assesslet index="Test" hash-uptodate="False" types="TriggerRuleType" verbose="True"/>
<new_code abortExpression="" elseExpression="" errorIfNoMatch="false"/>
The problem is that you need to extract the root from your document before you can start modifying it: modify doc.getroot()
instead of doc
This works for me:
from lxml import etree
xml_file = "./doc.xml"
doc = etree.parse(xml_file)
new_elem = etree.fromstring("""<new_code abortExpression=""
root = doc.getroot()
root.insert(1, new_elem)
To print the results to a file, you can use doc.write()
doc.write("doc-out.xml", encoding="utf8", xml_declaration=True)
Note the xml_declaration=True
argument: it tells doc.write()
to produce the <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF8'?>