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Visual Studio Code :: Configure Kusto Connection

I'm new to Kusto.

I'm trying to follow this guide that should help me identify unused resources on Azure.

The first command is pretty easy:

| where type == "microsoft.compute/disks" 

But it fails miserably with the error: Request is invalid and cannot be executed. ('where' operator: Failed to resolve table or column expression named 'resources')

enter image description here

I have tried with other resources:


enter image description here

But non seems working.

I have also tried

  • Add Azure Data Explorer cluster
  • Add Azure Application Insights

enter image description here

And none seems to work.

So how do you connect to your Azure Subscription through Visual Studio Code and Kusto?


  • Kusto was created within Microsoft and used internally within Microsoft.

    Log Analytics & Application Insights (as of today, components of Azure Monitor) are Microsoft's SaaS (Software as a Service) that use Kusto as back-end.

    Azure Resource Graph is another Microsoft's SaaS that uses Kusto as back-end.
    Those SaaS externalize (different) subsets of the Kusto query language (KQL).
    Those SaaS are unrelated.

    Azure Data Explorer (abbrevated ADX) is Microsoft's offering of Kusto as PaaS (Platform as a Service), to its customers.

    Some reading:

    There is a Visual Studio Code plugin that supports executing KQL queries against ADX clusters & Application Insight.

    Samples, SampleIoTData etc. are databases of an ADX publicly available cluster, called Help.

    resources is a table of Azure Resource Graph.
    You can query it through the Azure Portal:

    I'm not familiar with a formal option to query it from Visual Studio Code, but if you search on the web, you can find some projects developed by individuals.