I have an array const attributes = ['First name', 'Second name', 'Date']
and I want to render the text Sorry coudn't save "First name", "Second Name" and "Date".
As you can see I want to first make each item bold and wrapped with quotes and then use the Intl.ListFormat
Im a bit lost on how to do that and could use a little help.
fallbackLng: "en",
debug: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default
format: function (value, format, lng) {
if (format === "list") {
value = value.map((v) => `<bold>${v}</bold>`);
return new Intl.ListFormat(lng, {
style: "long",
type: "conjunction"
resources: {
en: {
translation: {
attr: "A list of {{attr, list}}"
values={{ attr }}
components={{ bold: <b /> }}
A list of <bold>First name</bold>, <bold>Second name</bold> and <bold>DOB</bold>
You are mixing interpolation and Trans component. This is not possible.
Option 1: use t function
t('attr', { attr })
Option 2: Trans without list formatting
// resources:
attr: "A list of <1>{{firstName}}</1>, <3>{{lastName}}</3> and <5>{{extra}}</5>"
// Trans:
values={{ firstName: attr[0], lastName: attr[1], extra: attr[2] }}
>A list of <b>{attr[0]}</b>, <b>{attr[1]}</b> and <b>{attr[2]}</b></Trans>