I'm trying to convert Amplify.DataStore.observeQuery
into a stream in repository class.
The expected return type is Stream<List<MyObject>>
In the repository class you can write:
Stream<List<MyObject>> watchMessages() async* {
yield* Amplify.DataStore.observeQuery(MyObject.classType,
where: MyObject.ID.eq(myId))
.map((snapshot) => snapshot.items));
or if you have to convert objects to domain then:
Stream<List<MyObject>> watchMessages() async* {
yield* Amplify.DataStore.observeQuery(MyObject.classType,
where: MyObject.ID.eq(myId))
.map((snapshot) => snapshot.items.map((e) => e.toDomain()).toList());
Then in the bloc you can emit states on every stream input:
MyBloc(this._repository) : super(MyState.initial()) {
void _onWatchMessages(_WatchMessages event, Emitter<MyState> emit) async {
await emit.forEach(_repository.watchMessages(),
onData: ((List<MyObject> messages) {
return state.copyWith(messages: List.from(messages));