I have an issue with setting the x labels while using twinx function. My original data is a pandas dataframe, namely, df, which has 3 attributes, "name"=product name, "sold"=number of items sold, and "revenue". the name is a pandas series (like "2 shampoo"), but I can't set it to be x tick label (see pic below). How could I set the x labels to display the product's names?
fig = plt.figure() # Create matplotlib figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Create matplotlib axes
ax2 = ax.twinx() # Create another axes that shares the same x-axis as ax.
width = 0.4
df.sold.plot(kind='bar', color='red', ax=ax, width=width, position=1, rot=90)
df.revenue.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', ax=ax2, width=width, position=0, rot=90)
# print(type(df['name']), "\n", df['name'])
ax.legend(['Sold'], loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(['Revenue'], loc='upper right')
You will need to set the labels for X-axis using the set_xticklabels()
to show the fields. Add this line after plotting the graph.
and you will get the below plot.