I am working with an API that returns a 405 code but also a data object that I need to read to get the errors.
RestSharp always throws an exception when it received the 405 code and I can't see the response body inside the thrown exception.
Take this code for example:
var client = new RestClient("https://webhook.site/c1cf7840-a050-4f22-9fec-c2e915f5b971/")
Options =
FailOnDeserializationError = false,
ThrowOnDeserializationError = false,
ThrowOnAnyError = false
var body = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"test", "value"}
var req = new RestRequest("name").AddJsonBody(body);
req.Method = Method.Post;
var response = client.Post(req);
I configured webhook test site to return a 405 and some json. How can I read the returned Json with restsharp?
Answer was to use Execute
instead of Post