Search code examples

The request body does not reach golang fiber

When I send a POST request, the server does not receive the request body. Only the id is added to the database

"package lists

import (


type AddTaskRequestBody struct {
    title string `json:"title"`
    description string `json:"description"`

func (h handler) Addtask(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    body := AddTaskRequestBody{}

    if err := c.BodyParser(&body); err != nil {
        return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())

    title := body.title
    description := body.title
    if title == "" || description == "" {
        return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest)
    task := models.NewList(title, description)

    if result := h.DB.Create(&task); result.Error != nil {
        return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusNotFound, 
    return c.Status(fiber.StatusCreated).JSON(&task)

postman request: enter image description here


  • the fields of the structure AddTaskRequestBody are not being exported. That may be the problem. Shouldn't title and description be uppercase - (

    type AddTaskRequestBody struct { title string json:"title" description string json:"description" }