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Angular ContentChild is always undefined using injection token

I'm trying to implement a bridge pattern for content projection. In the component that has the ng-content tag in the HTML, I tried to get it via this line, where BUTTON_ENABLED_DIALOG is an InjectionToken:

@ContentChild(BUTTON_ENABLED_DIALOG, {static: true}) content?: IButtonEnabledDialog

The calling component does add BUTTON_ENABLED_DIALOG to the providers array.

That value is never getting set, even though I see the content. A tiny StackBlitz example can be found at


  • You have a wrong usage of @ContentChild decorator here. It can be used in the upper level of projected element to get access to the projected content, - within the AppComponent in your example.

    For your purpose you can just use the Dependency Injection:

    export class ButtonEnabledDialogComponent implements AfterViewInit {
      constructor(@Inject(BUTTON_ENABLED_DIALOG) private content: IButtonEnabledDialog
    ) {} 

    And get access to your injection token.