For a dungeon crawler, I need to print a class instance attribute, '.sell_price' alongside the instance names from a dictionary which is being indexed. Each item in the 'blacksmith_dict' is a class instance. Every item, regardless of type, has the attribute '.sell_price'.
The first dictionary (shortened for brevity) looks like this:
blacksmith_dict = {
'Weapons': [short_sword, short_axe, quantum_sword, broad_sword...]...
'Armor': [leather_armor, studded_leather_armor....].........
From this, I create another dictionary for the player to pick the item TYPE:
# create a list of blacksmith item types:
item_type_lst = list(blacksmith_dict.keys())
# create a dictionary from list of blacksmith items types, print out, add 1 to indexing
item_type_dict = {}
for item_type in item_type_lst:
item_type_dict[item_type] = item_type_lst.index(item_type)
for key, value in item_type_dict.items():
print(value + 1, ':', key)
item_type_index_to_buy = int(input(f"Enter the number for the item type: "))
item_type_to_buy = item_type_lst[item_type_index_to_buy - 1]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
print("Invalid entry..")
After the player chooses the type, another dictionary is created to choose the actual item, by index, from very similar code:
print(f"{item_type_to_buy} for sale:")
item_dict = {}
blacksmith_dict[item_type_to_buy].sort(key=lambda x: x.sell_price)
for item in (blacksmith_dict[item_type_to_buy]):
item_dict[item] = (blacksmith_dict[item_type_to_buy]).index(item)
for key, value in item_dict.items():
print(value + 1, ':', key)
print(f"Your gold: {} GP")
Currently, I can successfully get this output:
Armory for sale:
1 : Weapons
2 : Armor
Enter the number for the item type: 1
Weapons for sale:
1 : Short Sword
2 : Broad Sword
Your gold: 500000 GP
(P)ick item by number, or go (B)ack:
I need a way to add the 'sell_price' attribute alongside each item (class instance).
Ok, I figured this out after many days, using repr for each object instance, like so:
def __repr__(self):
return f"{} - Damage Bonus: {self.damage_bonus} To hit: {self.to_hit_bonus} Purchase Price: {self.buy_price} GP"
Now the output lists all pertinent information defined in the return statement.