If I've got a bunch of image resources that I made using the GD library in php, or otherwise a bunch of frames, how can I combine these into an animated gif? I've got an array of images and a frames per second I'd like to add..
I can't use ImageMagick or FFMPEG, and I'd prefer to just use the GD library if possible.
Apparently "Support for creating GIF animations is also available.", but I can't seem to find the documentation on how to access this from within PHP?
Well searching on Google revealed GIFEncoder.class.php found at http://www.phpclasses.org/package/3163-PHP-Generate-GIF-animations-from-a-set-of-GIF-images.html
This link requires registration.
So i searched a little and it is included in phpvideotoolkit on code.google.com and can be downloaded at:
there is also a bugfixed version just change the file name to GIFEncoder.class.phpvideotoolkit.php in the above link.
I haven't tried it myself but maybe it can help you.
in the parent directory of the php file on code.google.com is also an example
best of luck