I am using compostion api in my state management(store.js) that return state addtocalender. Then i make variabel addtocalender using computed properties that return getAddtocalender method that i declare in my state management, but when i want to get addtocalender value in component.app that i want to put in config variabel it never return the value.
I try to run console.log(addtocalender.vale.name
and the result is undefined
How to get addtocalender value?
import { reactive, readonly } from 'vue';
import axios from 'axios';
const state = reactive({
addtocalender: [],
const mutations = {
updateAddtocalender: (payload) => state.addtocalender = payload,
const actions = {
getAddtocalender: () => {
return axios.get('http://localhost:3000/addtocalender').then((response) => {
export default {
state: readonly(state),
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref, inject, computed, watchEffect } from "vue";
const store = inject('store');
const addtocalender = computed(() => store.state.addtocalender);
const config ={
# i want to put addtocalender value here
name: addtocalender.value.name,
startDate: addtocalender.value.startDate,
"name":"Reminder to star the add-to-calendar-button repo",
"description":"Check out the maybe easiest way to include add-to-calendar-buttons to your website:\n→ [url]https://github.com/jekuer/add-to-calendar-button|Click here![/url]",
"location":"World Wide Web",
"label":"Simpan ke kalender!",
I use await,, this is the improvement of my code.
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref, inject, computed, watchEffect } from "vue";
const store = inject('store');
const addtocalender = computed(() => store.state.addtocalender);
# use here
await store.actions.getAddtocalender();
const config ={
# i want to put addtocalender value here
name: addtocalender.value.name,
startDate: addtocalender.value.startDate,