I am developing an app with a server part programmed in Go and a client programmed in C#, the connection between the two is made using TCP socket communication, and to ensure the connection I am using TLS.
My question is whether there would be any security problem in my case when using self-signed certificates for TLS communication.
I understand that for a web server that uses https it is necessary to use certificates signed by a certificate authority (CA) but in my case, when connecting my own client application I don't see why I should use one of these.
If anyone knows anything about it, it would be a great help.
Certificates are used for authenticating the end points, and usually the cert is signed by a certificate authority which your client (such as a web browser) already trusts. Using a self-signed cert in that scenario can lead to problems, as the browser won't trust it, and so will pop a warning box. However, the real issue is that for the typical user, a warning from your server is as good as indistinguishable from an attacker using another self-signed certificate. They'll click-away and KABOOM!
If this is a closed environment, and you control both the server and client, then the self-signed certificate is irrelevant. In fact, you don't even need one at all, and may be better off with one of the alternatives, like TLS-PSK, or TLS-SRP.