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Deploy Visual Studio 2015 SSAS-Tabular Model project from Tabular Editor - no data in destination database

I have a Visual Studio (VS) 2015 project for SSAS-Tabular Model, a simple project with a couple of tables.

I am using Tabular Editor (TE) tool (2.17.0) for the first time for deployment.

This VS project is to be deployed to a new database that does not yet exist in the SSAS-Tabular Model server.

The deployment from TE is successful; however the destination database in the SSAS-Tabular Model server does not have data; it has only the data model, i.e. the empty tables of the VS project.

How to import the data ?

Where am I wrong ? I can post some screenshots if needed.

Can someone provide suggestion ?


  • Deploying a model to a server is a metadata-only operation. After deployment you must Process the database to load data. In Power BI this is called "Refresh" but it's the same thing.

    Visual Studio processes the database after deployment by default. Tabular Editor does not.

    Note that Tabular Editor 3 supports refreshing models.