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LaTeX table of contents using package curve

I'm struggling for some hours now on how to make a table of contents when using the CurVe class. The class hasn't defined commands such as \tableofcontents, \section, etc.

Any ideas on how to associate a toc to the rubrics? and display the toc with \tableofcontents or make the command "\tableofrubrics"?

E.g., I want to make the table of contents/rubrics in this example:

Professional Experience .... 1
Education................... 1

thank you!


  • \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
    \documentclass[a4paper,skipsamekey,12pt,english]{curve} % your specs, esp the language of your CV
    \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % special characters, etc.
    \usepackage[a4paper,nohead,nofoot,hmargin=2cm,vmargin=2cm]{geometry} % adapt to your specs
    \usepackage[english]{babel} % the language of your CV
    \usepackage{textcomp} % Trademarks and other symbols
    \usepackage{color} % e.g. for coloured links
    \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % clickable links in the PDF
    \definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0,0,.5}  % defines link colour
    %%% setup the options for the hyperref package
    %%% if you want to include flavors:
    % \flavor{corp} % corp version of the experience rubric
    % \flavor{academic} % academic version of the experience rubric
    %%% if you want different title styles
    % \input{}
    % \input{title.print.ltx}
    %%% if you don't need different title styles:
    \title{Graduate Student} % Who are you? e. g. Assistant Professor, Chief Engineer, Senior Executive 
    \subtitle{at the Peace Institute, Z\"urich, Switzerland} % a bit more info about you
    % vertical space after subrubric
    \setlength \subrubricspace{3ex} % CurVe default: 5pt
    % special characters as bullet point symbols
     \usepackage{pifont} % only if you need them
     \prefix{\ding{43}} % pointing finger as a bullet list item symbol 
    % if rubric is spread onto multiple pages, the rubric name is repeated and followed by:
    \continuedname{~~(continued)} % for a CV in English
      %% \begin{rubric}
        %% \end{rubric}
    % call the rubric files in preferred order
    % make sure your file names are correct
    \makerubric{experience} % calls experience.ltx
    \makerubric{education}  % calls education.ltx
    \makerubric{skills} % calls skills.ltx
    \makerubric{references} % calls references.ltx
    \makerubric{publications} % calls publications.ltx
    \end{document} % end of main document CV.ltx

    enter image description here