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C# Selenium AADSTS90100: login parameter is empty or not valid

I'm creating a method for logging in to MS Dynamics 365 and get the error below when RUN the test:

AADSTS90100: login parameter is empty or not valid.

Here is my code:

public void Login(SecureString login, SecureString password)
   _driver.Url = "https://{domain}";
   var userNameInput = _driver.WaitUntilAvailable(By.CssSelector("input[type = 'email']"), 
   var submitButton = _driver.WaitUntilClickable(By.CssSelector("input[type = 'submit'][value = 
                                                 'Next']"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

   // following actions

I also tried sending the Enter key and Submit() method but no luck. Interesting thing - I cannot reproduce the issue manually or when DEBUG the test. The error appears only in the RUN mode of the test.

I compared URLs in RUN and DEBUG modes and there is not any difference.

I spent 3 hours in Google but didn't find a solution. It should be mentioned, that I'm not an experienced dev. So can miss or don't understand something.

Some ideas?


  • I've found the root cause. Actually, the issue occurs not after submitButton.Click(); but after another action which is not provided here, since the error message is a bit confusing.

    The thing is we used EasyRepro framework in our solution and getting rid of it now since it's not been supported for more than a year now.

    If we take a look at EasyRepro login logic, there is such a method:

    private static void EnterPassword(IWebDriver driver, SecureString password)
       var input = 

    And the error is caused by input.Submit(); line. I just copied it in my new method.

    It seems like the method submits the whole form before the login has time to be written somewhere.

    So, I simply changed that to this one:

    private bool EnterPassword(string password)
       var passwordInput = _driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("input[type = 
       var submitButton = _driver.WaitUntilClickable(By.CssSelector("input[type = 
                                                     'submit'][value = 'Sign in']"), 
       var staySignedInDialog = _driver.WaitUntilAvailable(By.XPath("//div[contains(text(), 'Stay signed 
                                  in?')]"), _defaultWait);
       return staySignedInDialog != null;

    Hope will be useful for someone in the future.