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How to merge dataframe in dataframe

I am using Rest API. I need data in the form of a data frame. For this, I am using pandas. The query parameter of Rest API is connected to Database, so I am getting multiple outputs from Rest API. I want to merge these outputs in the same data frame. Anyone can help me ?

cur.execute("SELECT * from curd")
rows = cur.fetchall()
l = []
for row in rows:
 #print("ID = ", row[1], "\n")
  r = requests.get("http://localhost:8280/ID="+row[1], headers={uniquestr('Authorization'): 'Basic ',uniquestr('Authorization'): 'Basic'})
  #print("CONSUMER_ID = ", row[1], "\n")
   s = r.json()
  df = pd.DataFrame(s['R']['L'])
  df1 = df.groupby(pd.to_datetime(df.DateTime){'ACT': 'sum'}).reset_index()

and Code output is

                  DateTime  ACT_IMP_TOT
   0            2022-05-01       19.252
   1            2022-05-02       19.911
   2            2022-05-03       23.671
                 DateTime  ACT_IMP_TOT
   0            2022-05-01       37.352
   1            2022-05-02       27.780
   2            2022-05-03       28.557


  • Use pandas.concat():

    pd.concat(df1, df2)

    E.g. using pd.concat(df1, df2, df3):

    enter image description here


    dfs = []
    cur.execute("SELECT * from curd")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    l = []
    for row in rows:
     #print("ID = ", row[1], "\n")
      r = requests.get("http://localhost:8280/ID="+row[1], headers={uniquestr('Authorization'): 'Basic ',uniquestr('Authorization'): 'Basic'})
      #print("CONSUMER_ID = ", row[1], "\n")
       s = r.json()
      df = pd.DataFrame(s['R']['L'])
      df1 = df.groupby(pd.to_datetime(df.DateTime){'ACT': 'sum'}).reset_index()