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How to return a single owned record with Diesel?

Actually I'm returing a cloned struct

pub fn matrix_first_or_create(&self, schema: String, symbol: String) -> RewardMatrix {

    let rewards = reward_matrix
        .expect("Error loading posts");

    if rewards.len() > 0 {
        return rewards.get(0).unwrap().clone();


Is this the right way to handle a result in Diesel? Can I "extract" and own the first and only result from this query?


  • What you need here is the .first() method of the RunQueryDsl trait.

    Here is an example of how it works:

    let reward: RewardMatrix = reward_matrix

    But if your query may not return that row, it’s also good to use the .optional() method of QueryResult:

    let reward: Option<RewardMatrix> = reward_matrix