I need to use my variant prop and change the Text color with default to "dark" I have tried two methods, with inline styles and with stylesheet, but the colors do not change... What am i doing wrong and how to do it properly?
type LabelProps = {
variant?: "dark" | "light"; // Defaults to "dark"
label: string;
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
export function Label({ variant, label, style }: LabelProps) {
return (
// style={[styles.labelStyle, style, { color: variant ? "light" : "dark" }]}
style={[styles.labelStyle, style, variant ? styles.light : styles.dark]}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
labelStyle: {
lineWeight: "700",
light: {
color: "#ededed",
dark: {
color: "#ff0000",
You are curently checking that the variant
exists.Change the condition to variant==='dark'
style={[styles.labelStyle, style, variant === 'dark' ? styles.dark : styles.light ]}