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Hide a image only from homepage

I am trying to hide a logo from footer, only in homepage all other pages it should be shown. I cant figure out a solution as a beginner in react please help.


  • Gatsby exposes a location property by default in top-level components (pages and templates) so in your homepage (index.js) you only need to do something like:

    const IndexPage = (props) => (
        <Seo title="Home" />
        {props.location.pathname !== "/" && (
            formats={["auto", "webp", "avif"]}
            style={{ marginBottom: `var(--space-3)` }}

    In the example above, I'm assuming the image you want to hide is a StaticImage but you can replace it with your image or whatever you want.

    The location contains a structure like:

      key: 'ac3df4', // does not populate with a HashHistory!
      pathname: '/somepage',
      search: '?someurlparam=valuestring1&anotherurlparam=valuestring2',
      hash: '#about',
      state: {
        [userDefined]: true

    Source: docs

    So you can compare the pathname with the current page (props.location.pathname !== "/")

    If your footer is in a different component, you can also pass the location property into the Footer (via Layout if needed) component and apply the same approach.