Search code examples

How can I use the same data from my list inside my function?

<TelerikListView Data=@ListViewData2
         Current Scheduled Deliveries (@DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy"))
        <div class="k-card k-card-horizontal">
            <div class="k-vbox k-flex-grow">
                <div class="k-card-body">
                    <h4 class="k-card-title">@context.Title</h4>
                    <h5 class="k-card-subtitle">@context.Description</h5>
                    @*<div class="card-date">@context.Date.ToString("MMM dd yyyy")</div>*@
                <br />
                <div class="k-card-actions k-card-actions-horizontal k-card-actions-start">
                    <ListViewCommandButton OnClick="@StartDelivery()">Start Delivery</ListViewCommandButton>
            @*<img class="k-card-image" src="images/articles/@context.ImageUrl" alt="@context.Subtitle" @*/>*@

@code {
public static DateTime Now { get; }

    List<ListData> ListViewData2 = new List<ListData>()

        new ListData
            Title = "Delivery: Alpha High School",
            Description =  "3097 Sandy Ct, Atlanta, GA",

         new ListData
            Title = "Delivery: Roosevelt Elementary School",
            Description = "555 Teddy St, Conyers, GA",

        new ListData
            Title = "Delivery: St John Middle School",
            Description = "203 Holy Dr, Morrow, GA",

    async Task StartDelivery()

        var addy = new ListData();

        addy.Description = "3097 Sandy Ct, Atlanta, GA";
        var current = "Current Location";
        var url = string.Format("{0}&daddr={1}", current, addy.Description);

        await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("open", url, "_blank");
        //return addy;


    public class ListData
        public string Title { get; set; } = null!;
        public string Description { get; set; } = null!;


On the the browser, the list ListViewData2 displays as a row of three different titles with three different descriptions (addresses), and three different buttons to start directions in google maps.

Pic of browser list (with the first item excluded since I used a real address there and didn't want to change it in my code)

In the StartDelivery() function, I had to manually assign an address from the list to addy.Description for my google maps url, but is there a way to like reference Description so that it automatically knows the right address for each of the three in the list? For example, if I don't hard code in the address, addy.Description remains blank and doesn't read the address for each school from the list. If I do, all start delivery buttons will link to that same address. :(

I probably worded it terribly, but this question seems like it has a very simple answer, and I can't seem to figure it out. Also I'm relatively new to C# and blazor and coding outside of school in general.


  • Like @keithwill-the-upvoter said, you can pass a ListData parameter to the StartDelivery method.

    async Task StartDelivery(ListData addy)
        var current = "Current Location";
        var url = string.Format("{0}&daddr={1}", current, addy.Description);
        await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("open", url, "_blank");
        //return addy;

    Then bind the button click event like this:

    @foreach (var data in ListViewData2)
        @* omitted code *@
        <button @onclick="() => StartDelivery(data)">Start Delivery</button>
        @* omitted code *@