I am making a small app for uni. I am using Spring Boot security for my user management. The problem I have is that no matter what path I put into the browser it redirects to login.
I looked up for answers here: Spring boot security, always redirects to login page, if navigate through address bar but it did not help. I used this Spring Security - How to Fix WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Deprecated for reference when configuring my code.
If someone can help, it would be much appreciated. Also if there is any other piece of code you may need do tell and I will edit this post.
public class SecurityConfiguration {
private UserServiceImpl userService;
public AuthenticationManager auth(AuthenticationConfiguration builder) throws Exception {
return builder.getAuthenticationManager();
public BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"))
return http.build();
public class MainController {
private UserServiceImpl userService;
public String login() {
return "login";
public String home(Model model) {
User currentUser = userService.getUser();
model.addAttribute("user", currentUser);
if (currentUser.getRoles().equals("ADMIN_ROLE"))
return "admin-home";
return "user-home";
public class RegisterController {
private UserServiceImpl userService;
public RegisterUserAccountDTO registerUserAccountDTO(){return new RegisterUserAccountDTO();}
public String RegistrationForm() {
return "register";
public String registerNewUserAccount(@ModelAttribute("user") RegisterUserAccountDTO registerUserAccountDTO, BindingResult result) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "redirect:/register?error";
List<User> allUsers = userService.getUserRepository().findAll();
if (allUsers.isEmpty() == false) {
for (int i = 0; i < allUsers.size(); i++) {
if (allUsers.get(i).getEmail().equals(registerUserAccountDTO.getEmail()))
return "redirect:/registration?usernameError";
if (allUsers.get(i).getEmail().equals(registerUserAccountDTO.getEmail()))
return "redirect:/registration?emailError";
return "redirect:/register?success";
In my application properties I have this line of code:
Removing .anyRequest().authenticated()
that dur mentioned solved it but Ralan is also correct.